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Saturday 31 January 2009

****MOCK EXAM 2011 INFO****

You must revise the following in preparation for the mock exam:

All pupils (Foundation and Higher) must answer 3 questions. Each question should take 30 mins. You can only answer certain question combinations - read below:
You must answer either
Question 1 (Population)
Question 2 (Settlement)

Question 1: For the population question
1. Population pyramids
2. Development indicators such as life expectancy and how these change between countries
3. Ageing population and the consequences for a country
4. CASE STUDY - China One Child Policy. Why it was needed, how it has been introduced and what is the impact?

Question 2: For the settlement question
1. Rural to urban migration - why?
2. Shanty town locations
3. Shanty town problems
4. Counter-urbanisation - consequences of
5. CASE STUDY - Meadowhall (from steel to retail). What it was before, why it changed and its impact

You must answer either
Question 3 (Natural Hazard - climatic)
Question 4 (Natural Hazard - tectonic)

Question 3: For the climatic question
1. What is drought? impact of drought on countries?
2. Methods to overcome drought and how sustainable they are e.g. Groundwater supply water pump and rain water storage tank
3. CASE STUDY - climatic hazard e.g. Hurricane Katrina or Drought in Sahel (cause and effect and preparation success) 

Question 4: For the tectonic question
1. Predicting a volcanic eruption
2. Movement of plates at a boundary (draw and label)
3. Why do people live in dangerous areas?
4. CASE STUDY - tectonic hazard e.g. Pakistan earthquake or Montserrat eruption (Cause, effects and success of attempts to reduce impact)

You must answer either
Question 5 (Economic development)
Question 6 (Economic development - Aid)

Question 5: For the economic development question
1. Brandt line
2. Multinational companies
3. Reasons for industrial location
4. Factories impact on local economy
5. CASE STUDY - Mining in the Amazon Rainforest (Carajas Iron ore mine)

Question 6: For the economic development - aid question
1. GDP
2. Brandt line
3. Rich north MEDC against poor south LEDC - is this still true?
4. Development indicators e.g. literacy rates
5. Problems associated with aid
6. CASE STUDY - Aid project in a LEDC - Goat aid to Tanzania

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