World Population Distribution
(Where are people and why?)
The map above shows:
1. Deeper purple colour = densely populated (more than 100 people per km2)
2. Lighter green/yellow = sparsely populated (less than 20 people per km2)
3. Europe, South East Asia (densely populated regions)
Area 1: Brazil (Amazon) = sparsely populated (less than 20 people per km2) because:
- too hot and wet
- dense forest makes communication and building difficult
- isolated areas with lack of government investment
- poor soils
Area 2: Europe = densely populated (more than 100 people per km2) because:
- reliable rainfall spread evenly throughout the year
- no temperature extremes
- reservoirs to store water and clean drinking water
- good road and rail links
- energy sources and supplies
- mineral deposits
- low lying and gently sloping land ideal for farming and building
Area 3: India and China = densely populated (more than 100 people per km2) because:
- flat, extensive plains and low lying land
- rivers provide irrigation for crops
- Fertile soil along river flood plains and river deltas
- hot and wet climate ideal for agriculture
Area 4: Northeastern USA = densely populated (more than 100 people per km2) because:
- industrial centre and port centre (established)
- no climate extremes
- reliable communication and transport links
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